I’ve been on vacation and therefore neglected to do any blogging. You would think that when you are not working you would have oodles of time to write – not so much!! I was so busy camping, canoeing, hiking and exploring the many lakes, trails and bluffs in Algonquin Park, that I didn’t realize my time was slipping away from me… and suddenly I am back to work with half of July already missing! But, I had an amazing time with the hubby and the kids – very memorable. The most precious moment was getting a glimpse of my son’s face when he came within ten feet of a black bear wandering right close to our campsite – his eyes were sparkling with excitement… wish I would have had a camera at that moment – NOT! Who goes to the bathroom with your camera? I guess I should, because that’s when all the good stuff happens!!
Tonight I had time to check my Facebook account and I found something new on the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library web site. You can join an on-line Summer Adult Reading Program that lets you read books, write a quick review and then possibly rake in some weekly prizes by doing it, with a grand prize being drawn at the end of August for a gift certificate to a local book store of your choice. It sounds very appealing to me because I love to read. If you do too, then head on over to http://www.owensound.library.on.ca/page.php?PageID=343 to search the on-line catalogue for a title or author that you like. It is very easy to sign up – then sit back and enjoy your reading time.

I personally have a strong gravitational pull towards learning all I can about one of Canada’s most amazing artists. His focus on the Park and the Georgian Bay area have had me intrigued for the past 22 years, which is equally to the amount of time I have lived here in Owen Sound. I have visited the Tom Thomson Art Gallery many times, and each time I get this creative stirring within me to go pick up my paintbrush again… wouldn’t it be great to leave behind something (artwork in this case) that could reflect beauty and possibly change the views of people for centuries later? That’s what I think Tom Thomson did for me. I have the same love as he did for Algonquin Park and wish I could give up my day job and just canoe or kayak the northern lakes, painting and sketching for a living. What a dream come true that would be!
The author, Jim Poling Sr. does a great job combining fascinating facts and elaborate scenerio’s that could have played out, as to what happened to the famous Tom Thomson… was it an accident, or was it murder? It is a short 118 pages that will only take you a couple of hours to read, therefore making it a definite “MUST READ” for your summer reading list. Don’t forget to let me know what you thought of it… as always, I’m a curious cat!
This review was originally published on July 15, 2010 on my previous webpage that has since been deleted. ~ Lori Twining