Half Dead and Fully Broken, Kevin Craig's fifth novel, a Young Adult Contemporary-Fantasy was released on January 19, 2015 by Curiosity Quills Press. The cover artist is by Eugene Teplitsky. You can order your copy at AMAZON.ca for $5.99 for a Kindle Version and $17.45 for a paperback copy (which is what I ordered).
Mara Valderran's third novel, Altar of Reality, a Young Adult Dystopian novel, with some Science-Fiction and Romance elements, was released this week, on January 22, 2015 by Curiosity Quills Press. The beautiful cover art was created by Alexandria Thompson at Gothic Fate.
My 15 Need-To-Own Books on Writing:January 19th ~ Kevin Craig is Having Another Book Birthday Today!
Remember Resolution #8?8.) Write more short stories (not just novels) and submit them to contests. You can’t win if you don’t enter the contest. You need a publication resume. Apparently. This is the perfect way to accomplish that task. ~ Lori Twining To see all my 10 Writing Resolutions For This Year, go HERE. Conquering Resolution #8![]() In order to write more short stories, I decided I needed to learn how to write them properly. If I'm going to enter these short story writing contests, I want to win. I don't want to be throwing my money out the window (yes, most contests have a fee, so hopefully, you have another job, besides being a writer, so you can pay your entry fee). How do I go about winning a writing contest? Obviously, I should seek advice from the best: Ruth E. Walker and Dorothea Helms (a.k.a. The Writing Fairy). These two amazing ladies created the "Write To Win Workshop". So, I drove through a heavy Grey-Bruce County snowstorm on Saturday, all the way to Trent University in Oshawa, for a five-hour workshop, that offered many tips and secrets on how to write contest-winning fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Was it worth my time? You betcha! I learned quite a few things. Lots of secret things. Things I'm not willing to share with you, because, quite honestly, why should I? Remember, I want to win the contest, so if I told you everything that these two ladies told me, then, I would have too much competition. Can't have that now, can we? Because I want to win. Although, I will share a few reasons why you should take the workshop too. Top 10 Reasons To Take the "Write To Win Workshop":
Lori TwiningI love reading everything... books, magazines, blog posts and even manuals. I believe if you want to improve your writing skills, you MUST be a voracious reader. Archives
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