On Tuesday, March 18th at 7:00 sharp, the on-line registration opened... and it closed at 5:07pm on Wednesday, March 19th. That's a very small window of opportunity, and unfortunately, not everyone made it on the list, that wanted to be on the list. So, there is a WAIT LIST that you can add your name to, and they will call you, if someone drops out. Don't be discouraged, something unforeseeable always happens, like a family wedding, a new baby, a funeral, or someone becomes sick... that's when they call the people waiting on the list. So, if you missed out on registering, get on the WAIT LIST here. There's no guarantee, but there is a chance... so go for it!
In the meantime, you should check out who made it on the list. Every one of these 40 writers are amazing in their own way. They represent every genre in two different categories: Juvenile/Young Adult and Adult. They write Horror, Romance, Mystery, Thrillers, Science-Fiction (the hipsters call that Sci-Fi), Fantasy, Westerns, Fiction and Non-Fiction and even some Literary Dramas too. Many of the writers have been published already and you can purchase books from them too.
Although, the main reason they are all together in one room, writing a novel over a 72-hour period, is to raise money for the people who can't read or do simple math. I know, it is hard to believe that, as you sit here reading this blog, there are people who will shy away from the computer, books or magazines, because they can't read the words on the page in front of them. They do a lot of pretending or faking people out, saying they forgot their glasses, or the they are not interested, whatever the reason they use, it comes down to the fact that they are illiterate, and they are embarrassed to let that show. It makes them feel sad, depressed and frustrated. It overwhelms them so much, that they will avoid anyone who may figure out their secret.
- Did you know 42% of Canadians have trouble with their literacy skills?
- 55% of working age adults in Canada are estimated to have less than adequate health literacy skills.
- 88% of Canadian adults over the age of 65, appear to be in this situation.
- Only 5-10% of eligible adults ever enrol in literacy programs.
- Less than 20% of people with low literacy skills are actually employed in the workforce right now.
- If we could help 1% of the population with their literacy skills, those people could help generate $18 billion dollars in economic growth.
- Impoverished Canadian adults often do not have the literacy skills required to get into job training programs.
- Investment in literacy programming has a 241% return on investment
Please take a moment to read about everyone... or just about Nora. If you would like to meet her, drop by the Active Living Centre (Canada Summit Centre), 20 Park Drive, Huntsville, Ontario.

This is Nora Barlett, typing away on her 2013 MNM manuscript.
You can donate to Nora here.
To read more about Nora or the other 39 Muskoka Novel Marathon writers in this year's writing marathon, please go here.
**Money is being raised for the YMCA Simcoe/Muskoka Literacy Programs.**
Please give generously... we appreciate every dollar given. Thank you.
** Literacy statistics for my blog post were taken from Literacy Statistics Canada website. You can visit them here.