With my brilliant procrastination skills, I should be walking through the door of the Hunt 55 Club in Huntsville with an empty mind, ready to stare at the blank page on my laptop and then reach for the first bottle of Pepto Bismal before I even type my first word.
This is how the Best Writing Event of the year starts for me every year. I basically have no clue what I am going to write during this marathon... I wait impatiently for the lightning bolt to strike and to set me off typing for the next 72 hours. Yep, that's right, no sleep, only typing what's rattling around in this brain of mind for a continuous 72 hours... okay, I confess, I do stop to eat every once in a while. The event is sponsored by amazing local restaurants, who donate generously to our event. The food is delicious! It's one of the main reasons I attend this event.
Are you wondering what event I'm talking about? The picture kind of gives it away, doesn't it? I'm going to be participating in the Muskoka Novel Writing Marathon to raise awareness of the illiteracy problem in Canada and to raise money for the YMCA Literacy Programs in order to help people locally. These programs are amazing considering the current Government's limited funds. With our fund-raising efforts during this marathon, the YMCA finds volunteer tutors to work one-on-one, passing their knowledge on to those who struggle with English, reading, writing, and math skills.
This year is very exciting... we have our first graduate, Nora B. in the program actually taking part in the writing marathon. How awesome is that? One of our veteran writers, Pat Flewwelling is sitting nice and close, and is going to guide Nora through the scarey process. Pat has won the most prolific writer for at least three years in a row. I think she will still win that title this year, even while helping someone else. She is a machine... fastest typist I know!
Here is a You-Tube video of Nora telling you how this program has helped to improve her life:

Lori Twining - Canada Helps Giving Page
Every $1 counts, and tax receipts are being given to anyone with a donation of $20 or more. Or you could donate to me in person when you visit me at the Muskoka Novel Marathon from July 12-15, 2013 at Club 55, in the Huntsville Civic Centre, 37 Main Street East. If you come to visit me…please bring me cookies or jube-jubes… my brain works a whole lot faster, and I have quite the imagination when I have sugar! But you don't have to, of course, I really just want your donation of money! Grin. I will give anyone donating $100 dollars or more a character in my novel. Interestingly enough, both my husband and my ex-husband have decided to give me $100 each to not mention them or anything about them in this novel. Mwhahahahaha! Just a little incentive to the people that I'm currently blackmailing... if you don't give, I will spill your life across 100-pages of fiction in 13 days. You are on a time limit, starting now! (insert cackling witch sounds here). I'm just joking about the spilling of your secrets... or am I?
On another note, if you would like to contribute in some way to my creative process in writing my story… I will accept all of your suggestions for story-lines and I may even use you as a character in my novel (provided that you give me a nice donation). I can make you rich or poor, skinny or fat, or even famous! I could also make you be my character everyone loves to hate, especially if you don’t contribute to my fund-raising effort. This is not a threat… just a warning! Hope to hear from you soon!
* If you would like more information about illiteracy in Canada, go to Canadian Literacy web page.