When connecting with other writers, you can keep up to date on topics such as #WritingCompetitions or #amwriting, which is someone who is writing at that moment and wants to have a virtual #writingbuddy to touch base with for the day, or do writing sprints with.
Using hashtags will also help you raise awareness to your writing profile, attracting people of interest, such as #LiteraryAgents, #Publishers and #Editors.
Writers should use specific hashtags to enhance their search results and to highlight keywords that are important to their books, posts or topics. Some research indicates that using more than two hashtags will greatly reduce the number of retweets you’ll receive with each post, so use them wisely. One piece of advice, before I give you a list of hashtags, DON'T OVERUSE THEM. Try to keep a limit of no more than three hashtags per tweet. Stay natural. Stay cool. Never spam people with 140 characters of continuous hashtags. That is soooo UNCOOL.
These hashtags are important and useful to any writer. I'm sure there are many more than what I have listed, but these are the ones I frequently use:
- #amediting ~ You are currently editing some of your writing.
- #amwriting ~ You are currently writing something... a novel, manuscript, screenplay, short story.
- #AuthorChat ~ Ongoing conversations between authors.
- #Askagent ~ You can ask an agent a question, even if you don't actually have one.
- #AskAuthor ~ You can ask another author a question about their writing process, their book launch, etc.
- #AwesomeRead ~ Tell the World about the book you just finished... it was AWESOME!
- #BestSeller ~ A book that is on the Best Seller List.
- #CAA ~ Canadian Authors Association.
- #EBook ~ To tell your readers that your book is available electronically on iPad, Kindle, Nook or Kobo.
- #EPub ~ Electronically published and available in PDF, etc.
- #FF or #FollowFriday ~ On Friday mornings shout to the World your favourite Tweeters of the week using the usernames of your most loyal retweeters or followers or your writing group/book club members.
- #Free ~ Author is giving away their book or a chapter of their manuscript for FREE that day.
- #FridayReads ~ Every Friday, readers post what they are reading that day. Name of book and Author with it.
- #Giveaway ~ Author is giving one of their books away in a giveaway.
- #Genre ~ This is a popular hashtag telling readers what genre you are talking about or reading in: #Horror #YA #MG #Romance #Fantasy #SciFi #Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Erotica #Poetry #Memoir, etc.
- #Goodreads ~ An App to keep track of what you are reading, what you want to read and what everyone else is reading. Plus you can join groups, take part in giveaways and talk to the authors. It's a great App.
- #Holidays are popular: #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Easter #ValentinesDay #MothersDay
- #KidLit ~ Authors of children’s books will want to use these hashtags.
- #Kindle ~ For Kindle users.
- #LifeOfAWriter ~ Typical tweets outlining your life as a writer.
- #LiteraryAgents ~ Agents that work for a Literary Agency.
- #LiteraryFestivals ~ Literary Festivals on Twitter.
- #LiteraryMagazines ~ Literary Magazines that are on Twitter.
- #MNM2015 ~ Muskoka Novel Marathon 2015.
- #NaNoWriMo ~ National Novel Writing Month.
- #OWC2015 ~ Ontario Writers' Conference 2015.
- #PitchWars ~ Contest on Twitter, where published & agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose the best tweet pitches of their books to win a critique for mentorship or agent review, etc. depending on contest.
- #Publishers ~ Book Publishers on Twitter.
- #SCBWI ~ Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
- #ShortStory ~ All about the short story.
- #ToNoMa ~ Toronto Novel Marathon.
- #ThankfulThursday ~ Used on Thursdays to show other members how thankful you are for their friendship.
- #WCDR ~ Writers' Community of Durham Region.
- #WCSC ~ Writers' Community of Simcoe County.
- #WCYR ~ Writers' Community of York Region.
- #WIWC ~ Windsor International Writers' Conference.
- #WordCount ~ Share progress or your writing word count goal for the day.
- #WordGoal ~ You announce how many words you are intending on writing that day.
- #WritersBlock ~ Stuck on something and you need help/ideas from others to get you motivated again.
- #WritingCompetitions ~ Competitions or Contests for writing submissions.
- #WritingContest ~ Local writing contests with deadlines.
- #WritingTips ~ Tips to learn more about your craft.
- #Writing ~ Any topic about writing.
- #WritingBlitz ~ You are writing as fast as you can and locking your internal editor into a closet.
- #WritingBuddies ~ Twitter buddies that you are virtually writing with each day.
- #WritingFiction ~ Writing about Fiction. Network or share your books, goals, or ideas on writing fiction.
- #WritingPrompt ~ Search this hashtag to find a great prompt to get those creative juices flowing.
- #WW or #WriterWednesday ~ On Wednesdays, use this hashtag and introduce people to your Twitter tribe.