Last fall, I signed up to take an online writing course called, Lit Mag Love with Rachel Thompson, an editor with Room Magazine. It was to help me understand how to submit to literary magazines and to further my chances of actually getting published (highly recommend this course).
I'm one of those writers that consider myself to be as far from a literary writer as possible. My poetry and prose are not flowery and descriptive enough to be taken seriously in the Canadian Literary World. Possibly, it is because my emotions don't run deep enough and I don't have a background full of horrible things that happened to me while growing up. However, at least once or twice a week, I feel like I can be one of those amazing writers, digging deeper into my soul finding the words to tell a story in a unique and literary way, so I try.
During Rachel's course, one of our exercises was to find a literary writer that has already been published in a Canadian Literary Magazine and ask them questions; questions that might help a new writer get published.