You know, a list of things you want to accomplish before you become incapable of doing the things on the list or in fact, you have actually 'kicked-the-bucket' and you are now six-feet underground and no longer have the opportunity to check anything off your list.
If not, you are procrastinating... but I think you will write a list one of these days, if you can find time. Biggest reason: it has a magical power to motivate you into checking off a few things on the list.
Well, I have several Bucket Lists (because I am a List-Maker):
- Immediate Bucket List
- Short Term Bucket List
- Long Term Bucket List
- I want to do this, but if I die before I do, it's not a big deal Bucket List
Immediate Bucket List
2. Work on my verbal pitch, so that I can present it to the Literary Agent at the Ontario Writers' Conference, smoothly, without sweating profusely and having my voice shake so much her glass of water vibrates off the table while I'm speaking. Ten minutes can be a very long time if you are unprepared.
3. Go clothes shopping, which I hate, so I can be photographed with cool authors at the Ontario Writers' Conference in something vibrant and memorable.
** Immediate Bucket List should all be done in 14 days or less.
Short Term Bucket List
2. Read 100 books a year with at least 30-40 in my genre that I write in... Young Adult (YA ~ 12-18+ years old) or New Adult (NA ~ 18-25 years old).
3. Attend writing groups and workshops to educate myself on the things I'm doing wrong.
4. Attend other Writing Conferences to meet other writers (networking).
5. Network with other writers and authors in social media (Facebook, Twitter and the Blogosphere).
6. Write a blog at least once a week.
7. Help fellow writers by commenting on their blogs, tweet about them or retweet their tweets or comment on their Facebook status. Basically, share their news.
8. Attend a 3-Day Novel Writing Marathon. The experience of writing for 72 hours straight is unbelievable. No responsibilities at all, all you have to do is write. You can find several writing marathons in Ontario and there is an International one on Labour Day Weekend, held in B.C., but you can participate from home.
9. Start searching for a mentor.
10. Inspire yourself by experiencing life...skydive, play a new sport, volunteer and meet new people.
** Short Term Bucket List should all be done within the next year.
Long Term Bucket List
2. Search for a Book Club and join.
3. Start a third or fourth novel.
4. Write some short stories and submit them to contests... or collect them to publish a short story collection.
5. Write an article for the newspaper, blog or magazine and GET PAID.
6. Self-publish something for people to read, like a newsletter, a blog, pamphlet.
7. Finally find that mentor and stalk her, research her and finally ask her questions as to what she would do differently...this will save you time in the long run. Writers love other writers to converse with them.
8. Offer to help edit someone else's manuscript or short story or novel.
9. Give up Television and read and write as much as you possibly can fit in your day.
10. Take a writing retreat vacation... 10 days in Italy or Costa Rica...and do yoga on the beach and write your ass off the rest of the time between slurping margaritas.
11. Start a writer's resume including all your accomplishments, no matter how small they are...then write an Author's Bio.
12. Apply for writer's grants with the Ontario Arts Council.
13. Apply to take some writing courses with Humber College or a University...maybe work towards your Masters in Creative Writing?
14. Attend as many writer and author events as possible... hand out your business cards, so people will start to know who you are. Then when your novel is published, people will already know you and will want a signed copy of your book.
15. EXPERIENCE LIFE. I can't stress that enough. People who stay inside their house and write, will eventually run out of things to write about. The more life you experience, the more interesting characters you will run into, the more fascinating events you will take part in and the more intriguing novels you will write. Be unique. be yourself.
** Long Term Bucket List should all be done before you take your last breath in this world.