In my case, I love the written word and I try to create everything from poetry to short stories to novels. Sometimes, I grab a pencil and sketch or doodle while I talk on the phone. When I was teenager, I sketched all kinds of things in my art book. I was lucky enough to have a few pieces hang in several different art galleries: London, Windsor and Toronto. I no longer own an art book or a sketch pad. Maybe, someone will buy me one for my birthday? Oh wait, everything is on hold or cancelled right now due to the COVID-19 virus. The only thing I’ll be enjoying on my Stay-At-Home Birthday is CAKE! That should keep me happy for now. Now, that I’m slightly older than a wild teenager, I am finding my way back to the empty canvas and I am painting again. Usually, oh, who am I kidding, it is 99% of the time, I never show anyone else on earth my paintings, because I feel that I really suck. I do that comparison thing between me and every other artist on the planet. I know, I shouldn’t, but I do. Besides, I feel like no one else would be interested in what I paint. Anyway, I can hear you saying, “Get to the damn point.” |
To see all the different pieces of art for 2020, go to Owen Sound Art Banner Project. You can also view previous years, as well.
Unfortunately, this year’s big art launch has already been cancelled, but they will be having an online event on June 7th. You can search for the event on Facebook or on the website above. The good news is, no matter where you live in the world, you will be able to see it too.
This is just a tiny silver lining to being isolated and sheltered at home. I’m thankful for being included this year. I kind of feel like an artist again… and it feels fabulous. Apparently, I miss being creative with paint.
Maybe you should be brave… pick up a paintbrush and give it a try? You never know how much creativity is oozing through your veins. Plus, I should mention that making art provides a calm and relaxed feeling, distracting you from checking the news every five minutes to see how many positive cases or deaths have been reported in your neighbourhood.
Make art. Stay safe. Stay happy and relaxed.