- You want a career, that you can work at, until the day comes, where you no longer can.
- You get miserable reading books that you give one star ratings to. Obviously, you can write something better than that drivel, right?
- You have experienced a unique experience you feel you would like to share with the world.
- You love to travel, so think a novel about travel would be easy... and so fast to write.
- You have voices in your head, and the only way to quiet them, is to write down what they are saying to you.
- You want a piece of the millions that E.L. James has earned over the past year or two, with novels being sold and movies being made. Looks easy enough. You want the fortune.
- You want to see your name in print on a real book... on a local bookstore's bookshelf... for sale! You want the fame.
- You have trouble with word counts, and fail at writing short stories... so you need to move to the novel format. 80,000 words sounds so much better.
- You have a passion for words, sentences, paragraphs and stories written from the heart. Reading them is just not cutting it any more, so, you need to write a novel.
If you answer "That's me!" to more than three of these reasons, you should come to the 3-Day Novel Writing Marathon being held this July 10-13th, 2015 in Huntsville, Ontario. The Muskoka Novel Marathon raises funds and awareness for Literacy. Registration is Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 at 7:00pm EDT. There are 40 spots for writers and they fill up FAST! No joke. If you want a chance at joining 39 writers and writing a novel in the same room with them, while they are writing their great Canadian Novel, then this is the event to be at. The top two prizes give you the chance to have a Literary Agent read your work: one in Adult category and one in Juvenile/Young Adult Category... not to mention all the other perks, as well. |
If you absolutely want to take part in this amazing event, go to: www.muskokanovelmarathon.com on Tuesday, March 10th at 7:00pm to register. I'm positive the spots will fill up within the first half hour of registration being open, so you better hurry. Get your fingers moving. :)