If you are interested in spending a wonderful weekend in Muskoka in the middle of July, and you are a writer, I’ve got important information to share with you. Check this out...it is TIME SENSITIVE:
On Tuesday, March 18th at 7:00 SHARP, registration for the Muskoka Novel Marathon opens on-line at www.muskokanovelmarathon.com on the Home Page. Just a heads-up, there are 40 spots available and they go in a blink of an eye or a swish of a lamb’s tail…you have to be FAST to be included in this writing event!
The actual 3-Day Muskoka Novel Writing Marathon, takes place from Friday, July 11th at 8:00pm to Monday, July 14th at 8:00pm at the Active Living Centre (ALC). The ALC is part of the Canada Summit Centre at 20 Park Drive in Huntsville, Ontario. It has FREE Parking, FREE Wi-Fi, showers and a pool...among many other exciting features. Check out the website for more details.
Basically, this is how the writing marathon works: you sit down at your laptop; the horn goes to signify the start of the writing period and you type... you have 72 hours of writing time to complete a first draft of a novel; eating and sleeping are optional, and so is talking and networking with fellow writers. I recommend doing a little bit of everything, of course, most writers will share their treats, along with their business cards.
The biggest point of this writing marathon is about the fund-raising for charity. The writers collect funds to donate to the YMCA Simcoe/Muskoka, who work miracles on a teeny-tiny budget in their Literacy Programs. We like to refer to our efforts as "Writers Supporting Readers". Last year, in 2013, we had the first graduate of the Literacy Program write in the marathon with us. Her name was Nora, and she did great! She had so much fun, that she wants to come back again this year!
So, being a writer, you not only get to help a worthy cause raise money for Literacy, but you also get a chance to win the possibility of publication. The MNM has judges read the submissions and then the top winning manuscript in both the Adult Category and the Juvenile/Young Adult Category will be sent on to an acquisition editor or literary agent. It's a win-win situation.
I guarantee it is the best writing event of the year... you really should consider signing up. I'll be sitting at my computer on Tuesday night, March 18th at 7:00pm SHARP, just waiting to hit the REGISTER ME! button on the MNM website. Will you?